Lincoln County Sheriff's Office
931-433-9821 • In Case of Emergency Dial 911



Do you have a desire to help people?

Do you want the knowledge and power to save lives?

Do you want an exciting and rewarding career?

People depend on law enforcement personnel to protect their lives and property. Law enforcement officers, perform
these duties in a variety of ways. Please look through our job openings and feel free to fill out an application.

Current Job Openings

Corrections Officer

Applicant Information

If you take pride in yourself and want to serve others, your community, & seek a career in law enforcement, come join our family!

We offer the following:
  • Competitive wages
  • Insurance (medical, vision, dental, cancer, accident, short term disability, critical care and recovery, long term disability, & life insurance for you and family)
  • Vacation time
  • Sick time
  • Holiday pay
  • Overtime
  • TCRS (retirement full pension)
  • Day or Night Shifts
  • Excellent Training

If you think you want to join our family just click the application button. You can fill out the online application, upload any documents you have and submit it.


Application Requirements

  • All Candidates: Minimum age of 18 years.
  • All Candidates: United States citizen prior to application.
  • All Candidates: High school diploma or equivalent. An evaluation of foreign high school diploma may be required.
  • All Candidates: Those claiming Veterans preference must provide DD214 Member 4 at time of application.

Corrections Officer Application

You can fill in the application by downloading to your computer or smart device and use the PDF fill form. When done you can email it to and attach your application. Do not worry about anything that cannot be filled out through PDF fill form. 

Download "Image.pdf"

Deputy / SRO Application

You can print application and bring to front office after it is complete.

Download "Deputy App.pdf"